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Our Mission

     White Jewel Mountain is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2006 under the auspices of Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche, in association with The Manitou Foundation. 

     White Jewel Mountain operates under the blessings, ongoing teachings and advice of the living masters of the Adzom Drukpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism Ad.zom Paylo 

Rinpoche and Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche.

     We are proponents of the view that bringing Eastern spiritual practices into our Western lifestyle has to be more than just mimicking the outer trappings of different cultures. With a modicum of humor, grace and understanding, our goal is to loosen the hold of reified egoic habits, which will lead to a more fulfilling life. We consider this a worthwhile  undertaking which will serve many people now and in the future.   

     Furthermore, we strive to offer a wide array of healing arts, transformative teachings, and retreats which support the well-being of individuals and all living things, as well as the growth of a more compassionate, cohesive, and sustainable community.  

     We welcome those teachers and participants who would like to use White Jewel Mountain’s facilities and engage our staff to support their personal and group efforts, which are in harmony with our goals.

Our Root Teacher
Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche

Born in 1971 near Chamdo in Eastern Tibet, Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche is a living siddha widely seen as the one of the very greatest Dzogchen masters alive today.  He is also recognized as a reincarnation of King Trisong Detson, Vimalamitra, Jigme Lingpa, and Ngari Panchen.

An extraordinary prodigy from a young age, Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche began his studies at the age of 5 and undertook full-time retreat at 11. At his teacher’s request, Rinpoche began teaching Dzogchen in 1984 when he was 13.

Ad.zom Rinpoche is famous for his one-on-one Dzogchen instruction, and his powerful energetic transmissions.  Today he teaches regularly at his monastery and throughout Tibet and China on texts and practices from the major liturgical traditions within the Nyingma lineage, especially The Essence of the Vast Expanse (Longchen Nyingthig). 

Our Guiding Teacher

Young Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche
and HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche

Born in Central Bhutan in 1980, Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche has a direct, unbroken lineage back to Longchenpa. When he was 8 years old, he was recognized by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as the tulku of the great Gyurme Dorje, the eldest son of Adzom Drukpa. He then moved to Shechen Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal where he was enthroned by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.


At an early age Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche began receiving teachings, transmissions and empowerments from many eminent masters including HE Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Lama Tserpo Rinpoche, HH Dalai Lama, HH Trulshik Rinpoche and HH Penor Rinpoche, and HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche’s root guru.

Rinpoche is the master of all annual ceremonies at Shechen Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal and at some branch monasteries in Bhutan. He also gives guidance to monks and nuns in three-year retreat at his centers in Bhutan. For more biographical information, please see his website:

Our History

Dorje Trolo at White Jewel Mountain

Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche first visited Crestone, Colorado in 2000. On driving into Crestone, Rinpoche said it looked like Tibet and one of its great charnel grounds there. In 2002 Rinpoche returned to Crestone and gave a teaching on Dorje Trolo to a small group of practitioners. Dorje Trolo was the most wrathful form that Guru Rinpoche manifested to tame and convert the unruly in Tibet and Bhutan in the eigth century. The practice is extremely powerful and is known for eliminating external, internal and secret obstacles.



Rinpoche told the small group that Dorje Trolo was to be the main practice of White Jewel Mountain. In 2003 and 2004, Rinpoche led retreats in Crestone where he gave the Dorje Trolo empowerment and taught the practice.


In 2006, Rinpoche led a Dorje Trolo Drubchen in Crestone.  In this retreat the text of Adzom Drukpa’s mind terma of Dorje Trolo was introduced by Rinpoche for the first time outside of Tibet. Adzom Drukpa Rinpoche was a great Buddhist master who achieved the Rainbow Body in 1924. Dorje Trolo was one of his heart practices.



Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche led two more Dorje Trolo retreats in Crestone, where he gave the empowerment and taught the sadhana in depth.

In both 2016 and 2018 Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche traveled to Crestone and led a Dorje Trolo Drubcho of the same Adzom Drukpa mind terma.

For 15 years, the White Jewel Mountain sangha met weekly to practice Dorje Trolo and held a monthly Dorje Trolo tsog. During that time, no one who had not had the empowerment was allowed to take a text home.


Both Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche and Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche have been saying for years that Dorje Trolo is the best practice for our turbulent times. There are many, many negative forces in the world and in our country today: wars, environmental destruction, the pandemic, famines in Africa, gun violence, and an increased risk of nuclear war, among other things. It is the heart wish of both Rinpoches that the Dorje Trolo practice be now spread all over the world.

Given their heart wishes, Ani Tsultrim Lhamo of White Jewel Mountain organized a virtual Dorje Trolo Drubcho held in December of 2022. Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche led the online event from Bodh Gaya, India. Over 100 people from 16 countries came together to practice Dorje Trolo with the aspiration of eliminating obstacles, destroying negative energy and sending waves of compassion to all suffering beings.


Ani Tsultrim Lhamo leads a monthly online Dorje Trolo Practice and Tsog. If you are interested in attending, please contact her at Transmission is required.  Learn more about our services HERE

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