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Housing for Retreats in Crestone

Retreatants are responsible for securing their lodging.  White Jewel Mountain provides this list as a reference only. It does not endorse any of the lodging providers listed below. Lodging already listed with Air BnB will not be duplicated on this list. White Jewel Mountain provides this link as a helpful reference only and does not endorse any of the potential housemates/roommates or housing itself.

Please also note that all prices are subject to change without notice.


White Jewel Mountain has some accommodation options, please reach out for availability of staying on-site.

(719) 458-5271 





ELECTRUM AMOR RENTALS Offering accommodations for all situations. Retreats or vacations. “I have single to multi-family spaces such as yurts, rooms or houses available at any time. Prices from $50 to $100 per night located in downtown Crestone or private retreat housing.Monthly and weekly discounts are available. Call and let me know what you’re looking for @ 719.588.2114 or​



CHAMMA LING Solitary retreat center in the Tibetan Bonpo tradition. We have three individual occupancy cabins, renting for $560 per week, and one double occupancy cabin at $665 per week. The cabins each have a full bath and a full kitchen. Retreatants are expected to provide their own meals. For more information, please view their website.  â€‹


CRESTONE MOUNTAIN ZEN CENTER The Zen Center offers its monastic practice environment to support Pundarika retreatants in their silent practice. The Zendo can be used for meditation and the Dome for chanting and personal practice. We offer a variety of single and shared occupancy, ranging from $75 for camping to $190 in the Hillside Cabin. Accommodations The Zen Center is well known for its delicious vegetarian and organic cuisine. All prices include three meals per day. Even if you don’t stay with us, it’s possible to join us just for the meals by purchasing a meal plan in advance. (719) 256-4692​


VAJRA VIDYA RETREAT CENTER Our contemplative retreat environment is ideal for supporting practitioners who come to Crestone to receive teachings. Our Traditional Buddhist Shrine Room is always open for meditation practice. Our prices range from $95 – $105 per night depending on private or shared bath and includes 3 vegetarian meals per day. (719) 256-5539 or


ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME Private room in Friendly Buddhist practitioner ‘s home available in quiet neighborhood. Women preferred but no one turned away. Comes with your own refrigerator. Coffee and toast breakfast provided. Excellent Internet service. $70 per night. Contact Sandia (719) 588-4884

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